Mel Taylor Dog Training


Firework Night is coming are you prepared?

Posted on October 17, 2021 by Mel under Uncategorized

Is this your dog on Firework night?

Is this your dog on Firework Night?

Firework night is just around the corner and if you have not already started, then desensitising your dog to firework sounds is a must for all owners of dogs that are nervous of loud noises or for people with new rescue dogs and have no idea if they will be scared and for new puppy owners.

We want to see happy dogs on firework night not worried anxious dogs.

There are all sorts of Fireworks sounds available for you to use on your phone or computer. Start playing them on a very very low volume (remember your dog’s ears are way more sensitive than ours) you want it so low that they either ignore it or only do a momentary glance in the direction of the noise and then continue with what they are doing. Either play or do some simple training activities with your dog or just give them some tasty treats for being around you and ignoring the sounds. The aim is to create a positive emotional response to the sound of fireworks rather than a negative one. You want it to be none of their business, no different to when TV or radio is on.

Firework sounds –

Gradually increase the sound, do this in different rooms, do it at different times of day and do it in a well-lit room to start with and also in a darker room so your dog is happy in all areas of the house.

Every dog will be different. When your dog is not showing any response to the sound and is happily engaging with you then gradually increase the sound. The slower you do this the better. Again rewarding the dog for not paying attention to the noise. Rewarding regularly especially as the sounds change, from whizz to bangs. Do not increase the volume further until your pet is happy with the volume you are working with.

Dogs and fireworks

Other tips for Fireworks Night

Have a den that your dog can go in if they want to. A covered area where they get lots of good stuff, filled kongs, chews, licki mats.. get them loving it during the desensitization with the firework sounds. Again always started on the very very low volume.

Walk your dogs way before Dark on the days coming up to and after firework night.

Close the curtains and blinds

Have the Tv and radio up a little louder to help block out the sounds and windows shut.

Stay in with your dog, if you can’t then see if you have someone that could stay with them.

Have lots of tasty treats and chews etc to keep your dog occupied and rewarded for calmness.

Be safe, be happy!